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Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale Cần bổ sung/chỉnh sửa

Rank 1 1
Loại: XYZ Monster / ID: 48608796 Thuộc Tính: WIND Tộc: Winged Beast
Từ Khóa: Lyrilusc
ATK/ 0 DEF/ 0
(Tiếng Việt)
(Tiếng Anh)

2 or more Level 1 monsters
This card gains 200 ATK for each Xyz Material attached to it. This card can attack directly. While this card has Xyz Material, it can attack a number of times each Battle Phase, up to the number of Xyz Materials attached to it. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; until the end of this turn, "Lyrilusc" monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects, also you take no battle damage.

TCG phát hành: 04-05-2017
OCG phát hành: 14-01-2017
Giá thị trường và từ set TCG (1$ = 22.600đ)

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