Lượt xem: 160

Beast Gear Gyro Jackal Cần bổ sung/chỉnh sửa

Level 3 3
Loại: Normal Monster / ID: 160002009 Thuộc Tính: WIND Tộc: Beast-Warrior
ATK/ 1100 DEF/ 800
(Tiếng Việt)
(Tiếng Anh)

''A beast that drives around wildly, always in search of some fun. He is petty, and only picks fights he thinks he can win, so he often falls to unexpected counterattacks. He grows uninhibited when he's got friends around, which leads to misunderstandings, and he still hasn't figured out that he can't do anything on his own.''

TCG phát hành: Chưa ra mắt
OCG phát hành: 01-08-2020
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